24 November، 2022

Meeting with the officials of the scientific and administrative divisions

The Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Hazem Thanoun Ismail Al-Sabawi met
Today, Thursday, November 24, 2022, the officials of the scientific and administrative divisions directed them to some instructions and recommendations to be followed to achieve a high and distinguished career level, including: Commitment to the State Employees Discipline Law, and the employee must adhere to the series of references in official correspondence, otherwise he bears full responsibilityHis Excellency directed the need to inform all employees to adhere to official working hours, adhere to attendance and departure dates, and reduce unnecessary leave requests except in urgent cases, as the large number of regular leave requests affects the workflow and reflects negatively on the employee’s performance, and reduces the level of job evaluation.His Excellency instructed the officials of the people to show a spirit of responsibility, and to strive to raise the level of the college. In decisions concerning the officials of the people, and to assess the situation logically and in the interest of public work.At the end of the meeting, the Dean of the College listened to the requests and suggestions of the division’s officials.His Excellency valued the role of the people’s officials and their endeavor to provide more giving in the service of our university and our dear college

