6 November، 2022

(The perfectionist traits and its relationship to the parental image among Al-Hamdaniya university students)

On Sunday 6th of November 2022,the Department of Educational and
Psychological Sciences in Al_Mosul University at College of Education for
Humanities discussed master’s thesis about (The perfectionist traits and
its relationship to the parental image among Al-Hamdaniya university
students). Prof. Dr. Hazim Thannoon Ismael Al_Sabawi, The Dean of the
College, and a number of college’s teachers attended a part of it.
The thesis submitted by the student (Athraa Joseph Rafou) in
Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences dealt with the
normal perfectionist traits and its relationship to the parental image /
the father’s image, the mother’s image and how it is formed in the
individual’s mind since his inception.
The thesis dealt with clarification of the concept of normal
perfectionistic traits among students, in which the individual’s standards
correspond to his abilities, which are linked to high goals, planning, and
their role in self-knowledge as the individual seeks to reach the highest
levels of humanity, obtain psychological security, maintain the correct
self-image and personality, and the parental image through the image
that the individual creates in his mind as a result of parental treatment
The study aimed to measure the level of perfectionistic traits and the
parental image (the father’s image / the mother’s image) among
students of Al_Hamdaniya University depending on two variables:
a. Gender (male/female)
b. Specialization (scientific / humanitarian)
And the relationship between the perfectionist traits and the parental
image among the students of Al-Hamdaniya University.
The discussion committee was chaired by:
Prof. Dr. Bushra Khattab Omar
And the membership of each:
Asst.Prof. Dr. Yasser Nizam Majeed, and Asst. Prof. Dr. Tanheed Adel
Under supervision and membership of:
Prof. Dr. Nada Fattah Zaidan

