20 August، 2020

Participation of Faculty member from College of Engineering – University of Mosul in an International workshop & opening of the project ” Heritage borders of engagement Network “

The faculty member Dr. Uday Qusay AbdulQader Al-Chalabi from Architecture Engineering Department – college of Engineering / University of Mosul participated as a lecturer in the international workshop entitled :”The Second Skin of the Heritage cities, the integration of Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage”
which organized by the British University of Nottingham, as well as local and international academia , with the attendance of representative of the Minister of higher Education and Scientific Research, the Minister of Culture, Tourism and Archeology, the rectors of Baghdad University, Wasit University and the Director of ENGAGE .The program was opened at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, 20-08-2020, and included four axes divided into four electronic halls, and ways to preserve Iraq’s tangible and intangible cultural heritage were put forward within a programs group.The workshop aims to engage with local and regional actors to develop its research agenda, developmental studies and implementation program. It will contribute to building the Network research programme that is driven by the local knowledge, understanding of challenges and potential opportunities. It will address the needs of local communities, stakeholders and policy makers, in order to sustain and build upon relationships to develop peaceful and productive engagement that benefit heritage sites, practices and communities at the borders.

