13 August، 2020

University of Mosul : Discussion of master thesis on algorithmic design in digital architecture – employing digital algorithmic generation curricula in the conceptual design stage.

A master thesis in Department of Architecture / college of engineering at University of Mosul on (algorithmic design in digital architecture-employing digital algorithmic generation approaches in theconceptualdesign stage ) by the student(Aseel Ibrahim Khalil al-Habib) wasdiscussedon Thursday,August13,2020.The thesis included building a holistic theoretical conception of the digital algorithmic generative design approach as a new approach to thinking that can beusedin producing design alternatives for a specific architectural style or to design complex architectural formations.This perceptionwasadoptedin a practical study that includedtwo parts. In the first part, the discrepancy in the definition of provisions in the various generative algorithmic systems based on judgments was revealed, while the second part focused on applying the generative algorithmic approach in producing new designs of a typical nature for school buildings approved by the Ministry Iraqi educationusingsoftwareRhinoAnd auxiliary appendixGrasshopper.The thesis concluded that the discrepancy between the judgment-based algorithmic approaches is reflected in a slight light on the properties of the judgments and their method of operation, as most of the secondary variables that were measured on the basis of them are similar to most of them .The results of the second part of the practical study demonstrated the efficiency of the generative algorithmic approach in producing various designs that meet the different user inputs.Finally, the research presented its final conclusion that generative algorithmic design includes diverse, ready-made and non-molded approaches(according to the problem to be solved)capable of dealing with a wide range of typical and non-typical architectural design problems.The study recommended theimportance ofadopting algorithmic thinking in teaching architectural design in academic institutions.And the importance of cooperation between architecture departments and programmers in Iraqi universities in order to advance the reality of digital architectural design to catch up with global knowledge in this field.The discussion committeeconsistedof:1.Prof. Dr. GhadaRazzouki, alecturerin Department of Architecture Engineering at University of Baghdad, as a Chairman .2.Assistant Professor Dr. Emad Hani Ismail Al-Allaf, a lecturer in Department of Architecture Engineering at University of Mosul, as a member .3.Assistant ProfessorMoqqdam Ameen Majeed Karakji, a lecturerin Department of Architecture Engineering at University of Mosul, as a member .4.Assistant Professor Dr. Dhuha AbdulGhani Abdulaziz Al-Qazzaz, a lecturer in Department of Architecture Engineering at University of Mosul, as a member and supervisor .

