3 December، 2020

M.SC. thesis at college of Engineering discusses ” Improving the performance of a photovoltaic cell system using the cooling control technology in Mosul City “

M.Sc. thesis in Department of Mechanical Engineering / college of Engineering at Mosul University discusses ” Improving the performance of a photovoltaic cell system using the cooling control technology in Mosul City ” submitted by postgraduate student (Mohammed Saleh Safar Al-Abassi) on Thursday, 03/12/2020.The thesis included designing and manufacturing a 205-watt, 1.28 m2 solar panel cooling system. Control the solar panel cell temperature by adding a control system to control the timing of operation of the water pump at a particular solar cell temperature and conducting a test of the solar panel to determine the percentage of improvement achieved in its performance after comparing the results with those from a similar second panel that has not changed Or add.The thesis found that cooling the solar panels causes the solar panel to fall, so the open circuit voltage, greater effort difference, productive capacity, and efficiency increase and the improvement rate increases. The higher the rate of water’s running through the solar panel, the lower the panel temperature, the greater the voltage, the capacity produced, and the efficiency, and the higher the rate of improvement.The thesis recommended study the performance of a water-cooled solar panel photovoltaic/Thermal hybrid system that acts as a solar compound to heat water. And conducting an economic feasibility study from the addition of a solar panel cooling system.The discussion committee consistedof:
1. Prof. Dr. Amir Sultan Dawood … (Chairman).
2. Prof. Dr. Adnan Mohammed Hussein … ( Member ).
3. Dr. Ammar Younis Ibrahim … ( Member ).
4. Asst. Prof. Dr. Adnan Mohammed Abdullah … ( Member and supervisor ).5. Dr. Ahmad Fattah Ahmed … ( Member and supervisor ).Then the discussion committee read the decision which included approving the thesis and award the student (M.SC. degree).

