15 September، 2022

A training course on Industrial Safety

A training course was held in Department of Mechanical Engineering from 11-13/09/2022 entitled “Engineering protective equipment used in industrial safety, types of injuries and methods of first aid”.The course included an introduction to safety in the workshops, appropriate protective equipment and its characteristics, types of burn injuries, methods of first aid, types of work injuries, in addition to the basic elements of first aid, first aid and electric shock injuries, and finally types of injuries and methods of first aid.The course was presented by Dr. Ali Ghazi Mohammed, Dr. Anwar Mohammed Mustafa, the lecturer Yasir Shukur Mahmood, the lecturer Tariq Mohammed Saeed and the lecturer Arab Ghazi Aziz.The course was attended by a group of faculty members from the department, and at the end of the course an exam was held for the participants and a certificate of participation was given to them.

