1 July، 2020

Designing an emergency respirator in laboratories of College of Engineering / University of Mosul

In light of the current circumstance and the increasing demands for redoubling effortsto findadditional respirators for fear of the development of the spread of the Corona epidemic,Iraqi Engineers Union / Nineveh branch in cooperation with college of Engineering formed a volunteer team consisting of a group of engineers to work in the laboratories of College of Engineering /MechatronicsEngineering Departmentto design an artificial respirator that can Its use in emergency situations with patients with difficulty breathing.This inexpensive device works by relying on the pressure of a flexible plastic bag(AmbuBag)By advanced mechanical arms that simulate the movement of the medical specialist’s hand pressing the elastic bag in an emergency.Inaddition, thedevice contains a set ofvalves tocontrol the path of inhale and exhale.The device also contains asetof sensors to measure the pressure and volume of airsuppliedto the patient and display them on a large screen to monitor the patient’s condition continuously.Also this device enables the medical specialist or emergency technician to adjust the volume of the supplied air, the number of breaths per minute and the ratio of inhalation to exhalation through the same screen. It is worth noting that the manufacture of the device in its last stages is now undergo to a set of checks before reaching the final formula.

