26 October، 2021

International cooperation and the mechanisms of the World Health Organization to combat the Corona pandemic, a title for a master’s thesis that was discussed in the College of Political Science

The College of Political Science at the University of Mosul discussed the master’s thesis tagged (international cooperation and the mechanisms of the World Health Organization to combat the Corona pandemic) on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 in the conference and symposium hall at the College of Political Science, and in the presence of Assistant Professor Dr. Tariq Mohammed Tayeb Zahir Dean of the College of Political Science, As well as a number of professors and graduate students in our college.The study presented by the student (Mohammed Abdullah Talib Taha) dealt with the idea of international cooperation, which is one of the main pillars of international relations. All countries should join hands to reach high levels of maintaining their health security in particular. Humanity in many countries of the world has faced threats and challenges affecting its health security, which is an essential part of its national security, and these threats were represented by the emergence of diseases and pandemics.The study touched on the state of weakness and impotence faced by the local and international health systems towards this pandemic, which required high regional and international cooperation to ward off its danger. Although its procedures did not rise to the required level, especially with the emergence of the Corona pandemic and its impact in all areas of life, and this is what made the impact of the pandemic continuous, reaching the limits of its spread in most countries of the world, and many concepts of international relations changed as a result.The study aimed to shed light on the future of the global system after the pandemic, which was marred by a lot of ambiguity, either due to the continued leadership of the United States of America to the world or the Chinese-American competition to lead the global system, so it can be said that a multipolar system will be the main controller in the world.The thesis discussion committee consisted of the professors whose names are listed below: 1- Prof. Dr. Khader Abbas Atwan… Chairman. 2- Prof. Dr. Imad Khalil Ibrahim… as a member 3- Assistant Professor Dr. Dameer Abdel Razzaq Mahmoud… as a member. 4- Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Tariq Yassin .. member and supervisor.After an extensive scientific discussion of the thesis and the student’s defense of it, it was approved and qualified to obtain a master’s degree in political science. At the conclusion of the discussion of the thesis, Assistant Professor Dr. Tariq Mohammed Tayeb Zahir, Dean of the College of Political Sciences, granted a letter of thanks and appreciation to Professor Dr. Khader Abbas Atwan, one of the teachers of Al-Nahrain University / College of Political Sciences, for taking the trouble of traveling to Nineveh and for his distinguished scientific contribution in chairing the thesis discussion committee.

