6 October، 2022

Dr. Tariq Mohammed Tayeb Zahir Dean of the College of Political Science hosted by (Today’s Edition) program on Al-Iraqia news satellite channel

(Today’s Edition) program on Al-Iraqia news satellite channel hosted Dr. Tariq Mohammed Tayeb Zahir Dean of the College of Political Science to talk about the future of Iraqi political science on the occasion of the Iraqi National Day, on Tuesday, October 4, 2022.The most prominent of what was stated in Doctor’s talk about the future of the political process:.The Iraqi state has registered an effective presence in international forums and organizations, whether within the framework of the League of Nations or the United Nations, to support various issues, especially the liberation and independence movements, and to contribute to international economic issues..The Iraqi state is looking forward today to an effective and influential participation in the UN Security Council in the coming period, through its non-permanent membership, which puts Iraqi foreign policy in front of new challenges..The scenarios that talk about the threat to Iraq’s unity and its disintegration are subjective visions, as the unity of Iraq was and still is part of regional and international stability..Iraq, as a country emerging from conflict, needs to develop a new strategic vision and a new strategic understanding, based on defining the criteria of the real power it possesses at the present time, and how to employ it to create an effective and positive impact in its regional and international surroundings..Internally, the Iraqi political scene suffers from multilateral pressures and parties, and this in turn raises the need to develop a clear political program that takes into account the advancement of the national interest and its supremacy over other interests.

