24 October، 2022

Master Thesis at the College of Political Science discusses the impact of intelligence services on global policy issues

The College of Political Science at the University of Mosul discussed the master’s thesis tagged (The Impact of Intelligence Services on Global Policy Issues – Study of Selected Models) on Monday, October 24, 2022 in the Conference and Seminar Hall of the College of Political Science, in the presence of Prof. Dr. Muneer Salim Taha rector assistant for scientific affairs, and Major General Abdul Khaliq Al-Khaikani, Director of the Joint Center for Security and Intelligence of Nineveh. As well as a number of professors and graduate students in our college.The study presented by the student (Wissam Jamal Hussein Abdullah) addressed the multiple security threats faced by global politics at present, which need to be addressed in effective and accurate ways. An active intelligence effort is one of the most prominent processing tools that are employed to overcome these growing threats, and to use valuable information to disrupt the activities of criminal groups and protect citizens and the infrastructure of the countries of the world.The study touched on the need for international intelligence cooperation, which is a key pillar to reach common goals, especially the fight against terrorist threats, through the analysis and study of the impact of intelligence in the world through a set of models addressed in this letter, as well as that the subject of intelligence in our Arab region is ambiguous and ambiguous, and needs to consolidate the study of intelligence while benefiting domestic policy issues in adopting decisions or developing intelligence services similarly.The study aimed at the possibility of developing the work and means of the Iraqi intelligence service in its working mechanisms and developing them in line with the nature of the challenges posed by the security threats posed by terrorist and extremist groups, especially the technological aspects in communications, monitoring, early warning and cybersecurity. The Discussion Committee consisted of the following gentlemen:1- Prof. Dr. Hazim Hamad Mousa… Chairman.
2- Assistant Professor Dr. Tareq Mohammed Thanoun… Member
3- Assistant Professor Dr. Abdul Amir Abdul Hassan Ibrahim… Member.
4- Assistant Professor Dr. Tariq Mohammed Tayeb Zahir… Member and moderator.

After extensive scientific discussion of the thesis and the student’s defense of it, it was approved and became eligible for a master’s degree in political science.

