2 October، 2023

The dean of the college participated as a member of the dissertation defense committee

Dr. Tariq Mohammed Tayeb Al-Qassar participated as a member of the dissertation defense committee for the doctoral thesis titled “International Competition for Maritime Straits and Its Impact on Maritime Security After 2001, the Case of the Hormuz Strait and the Bab el-Mandeb Strait.” The defense took place at the Institute of Sciences for Postgraduate Studies in Najaf, Iraq.

Straits and maritime passages have gained strategic importance in the perceptions of countries, influencing comprehensive national security, particularly in political, economic, and military dimensions. Recognizing this significance, major powers and regional contenders have sought to control or establish a presence in these straits or maritime passages, within the competition for zones of strategic influence. These straits and maritime passages serve as international trade routes in general, and specifically for the transport of oil and gas.

In the event that these passages and maritime straits face blockades or military and security threats, global trade markets and oil markets will experience crises with multiple dimensions and varying levels. If maritime security is compromised by any military or terrorist intrusion, it will have profound implications on global trade and the oil market.

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