9 May، 2024

Discussion of the Master’s thesis in the College of Political Science titled: “Rationalization of Power in Contemporary European Political Thought: Max Weber as a Model”

On Thursday, May 9, 2024, the College of Political Science at Mosul University discussed the Master’s thesis of the student (Teba Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahman), under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Mahmoud Azzo Hamdo.

The thesis addressed that since the earliest organization of society, humanity has experienced conflicts between the individual and authority. Humanity has also tried to organize this through various and different methods according to local contexts governing the creation of a system of governance and the laws regulating society to ensure the continuity of a specific governance experience.

The thesis explored the rationalization of power in contemporary European political thought (Max Weber as a model), reaching the basic conclusion that the concept of rationalization has formed and continues to form a fundamental pillar in the development and advancement of the state and its political system.

The discussion committee was chaired by:
– Professor Dr. Waleed Salim Mohammed as Chairman
– Assistant Professor Dr. Saad Hamid Ibrahim from Al-Mustansiriyah University/College of Political Science as a Member
– Dr. Laith Muzahim Khudair as a Member
– Assistant Professor Dr. Mahmoud Azzo Hamdo as a Member and Supervisor

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