12 June، 2024

The Dean’s Office of the College of Political Science organized a meeting for the Program Accreditation Committee in the college

The Program Accreditation Committee of the College of Political Science held its regular meeting on Tuesday morning, June 11, 2024, chaired by Assistant Professor Dr. Tareq Mohammad Tayeb Al-Qassar, Dean of the College. During the meeting, discussions focused on initiating the process of obtaining international recognition from reputable institutions for our academic program, ensuring adherence to quality assurance standards and necessary academic accreditation. This includes a comprehensive review of curricula, teaching methods, infrastructure, human resources, and technology.

Program accreditation aims to enhance continuous development in universities, improve the quality of education, learning, scientific research, and community service. It is expected to strengthen the quality and excellence of higher education programs, empower qualified faculty with the necessary competencies and experiences to fulfill their academic, professional, research, and community responsibilities. The goal is to provide an academic system and an educational environment that motivate students and ensure a scientific experience aligned with academic accreditation standards.

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