31 October، 2024
The Head of the Student Activities Division at the College of Political Science, University of Mosul Wins First Place Award for Best Research at an International Scientific Conference Held by Mutah University in Jordan

Mutah University in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, in collaboration with the Iraqi Scientific Sports Association, held the Fourth International Conference on Sports and Health Sciences from 23 – 25 October 2024.
Dozens of researchers from various Arab and foreign countries participated in the conference, presenting a total of ninety scientific papers. After reviewing and evaluating the research by the specialized scientific committee, the research by the Head of the Student Activities Division at the College of Political Science, University of Mosul, Dr. Omar Abdulaziz Al-Zubaidi, won first place as the best participating paper. His study, titled “The Effect of Corrective Exercises Based on Selected Biomechanical Indicators for Developing the Lower Block Skill to the Right and Left Angles of Goalkeepers in Handball,” was awarded top honors.
The college administration congratulates its faculty and staff on this scientific achievement, wishing everyone continued success in their academic endeavors both inside and outside Iraq in service of our country, city, and university. May success be granted to all.