27 November، 2024
The Campaign Against Violence Against Women at the College of Political Science Launches Its First Scientific Workshop

The campaign against violence against women at the College of Political Science launched its first scientific workshop on Monday, 25 November 2024.
The workshop began with an opening speech by the Dean of the College, Assistant Professor Dr. Tarek Mohammed Tayeb Thahir, followed by the presentation of participating papers by Lecturer Dr. Afraa Riyad Mohammed, Lecturer Dr. Sarah Jassim Mohammed, and Lecturer Sajida Farhan Hussein, with Assistant Lecturer Aseel Ghanem Abd serving as the workshop moderator.
The workshop addressed topics including the role of women in building societies, the national strategy for combating violence against women, and women’s rights under the Personal Status Law.
This workshop is part of the campaign launched by the Women’s Affairs Committee at the College, starting on Sunday, 24 November 2024, and lasting for sixteen days.