
A commendation letter from the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research to Dr. Mufeed Thanon Younis Dean of the College of Political Science in University of Mosul

The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research presented a commendation letter to Dr. Mufeed Thanon Younis, Dean of the College of Political Science at the University of Mosul in a recognition for his effort [Read More]



To dear students of the College of Political ScienceYou must go to the college for the receiving the paper result, because the result was not announced at the web site of our college


The Visiting of the ministerial committee that is supervising on the process of final examinations in Iraqi universities and colleges

The ministerial committee, which headed by Dr. Fares Saleh and supervising on the process of final examinations in Iraqi universities and colleges, visited our college and look process of final examinations on Saturday, 06/15/2013

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