Postgraduate Studies

Master’s Degree Study System

As far as master’s studies are concerned, the curriculum system is adopted, which includes the first year. (Preparatory) From two separate classrooms, the student must pass them. The 60% degree for each course is calculated for the student to succeed, and at the rate of 70% at the end of the preparatory year, for the purpose of moving to the master’s thesis stage, specializing in the second year (Supplementary) to prepare the master’s thesis in scientific specialization, with the title and objectives that are at the heart of the fields of political science in terms of processing, development and creativity. It also requires the student to publish scientific researchers before the discussion takes place in a scientific journal, after which the master’s thesis is discussed by a committee composed of the supervisor and professors in the strict scientific competence of the student at least one outside the college.

The courses for Master students vary from year to year, depending on the political and academic developments that the postgraduate student must learn. However, it is established in those courses that the student teaches three disciplines in the classrooms: political systems, political thought and international relations, after which the student specializes in the writing phase of the letter with the exact subject.

Master’s Degree Study Curriculum

Curriculum for the academic year 2023-2024

Curriculum for the academic year 2022-2023

Curriculum for the academic year 2021-2022

Curriculum for the academic year 2020-2021

Curriculum for the academic year 2019-2020

Members of the Postgraduate Studies Division

1- Dr. Afraa Riyadh Mohammad (Head of the Division)
2- Mr. Nibras Muhammad Jameel (Responsible of the Graduates and Documents Unit)
3- Mr. Harith Shaalan Abbou (Responsible of the Admission and Follow-up Unit)

A picture of the head and members of the division

Titles of theses of the College of Political Science

Requirements for application and admission to postgraduate studies inside Iraq for the academic year 2022-2023


Part of Rector’s attendance to one of Master’s thesis Vivas at the college