Undergraduate Studies

Bachelor’s Degree Study System 


Since its establishment, the college has relied on the annual two-semester academic system for initial study (bachelor’s), and for general study, after successfully completing the requirements for four years, the student obtains a bachelor’s degree in political science. The subjects for the four years of study are compulsory, and they include some subjects that are considered university requirements, such as human rights, democracy, and computers, as well as other subjects that are considered to be university skills, such as the Arabic and English languages. Grades are divided for each year and for each subject as follows:




Then the cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of graduates is calculated by summing of the four years grades and credit points as: 10% is calculated for the first year, 20% for the second year, 30% for the third year, and 40% for the fourth year.

Bachelor’s Degree Study Curriculum

Academic Program Description for Academic Year 2020 – 2021

Academic Program Description for Academic Year 2023 – 2024