Work Shops and Symposiums

The College of Political Science organizes its eighth annual scientific conference entitled “(Umm Al-Rabiein in the Face of Climate Change)

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Kossay Kamal Al-Din Al-Ahmedy, the honorable President of the University of Mosul, and under the supervision of Assistant Prof. Dr. Tariq Mohammed Tayeb Al-Qassar, the Dean of the College [Read More]


Participation of Our College in the Intellectual Forum as part of the University Events for the Thirst of Iraq Project

Dr. Tariq Mohammed Tayyib Al-Qassar participated in the dialogue seminar titled "Water Crisis and Paths of Cooperation Between the Federal Government and the Kurdistan Regional Government – Legislative, Political, and Economic Paths." The seminar was [Read More]


A number of the Faculty of Political Science s staff participated in the 7th international RESI-Student-Conference

A number of the Faculty of Political Science s staff participated in the 7th international RESI-Student-Conference entitled (Quality of Life) , which has been held by the University of Dortmund in Germany and the University [Read More]


A scientific workshop in our college on the controls and mechanisms of the job performance evaluation process for the academic year 2021-2022

Under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Tariq Mohammed Tayeb Zahir dean of the College of Political Science, and in the presence of his scientific and administrative assistants, the Quality Assurance and University Performance Evaluation [Read More]


The global crises and their repercussions on international security a symposium at the college of Political Science

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Kossay Kamal Al-Din Al-Ahmady President of the University of Mosul, and under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Tariq Mohammed Tayeb Zahir Dean of the College of Political Science, [Read More]


The International Relations Branch in our college organizes a scientific workshop under the title “The Evolution of International Relations Theories: Intellectual Approaches”

Under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Tariq Mohammed Tayib Zaher Dean of the College of Political Science, and in cooperation with the Continuing Education Unit, the International Relations Branch in our college held a [Read More]


A scientific workshop at the College of Political Science on controls, instructions and a guide to the performance appraisal file for teachers

Under the supervision of Dr. Tariq Mohammed Tayeb Zahir Dean of the College of Political Science, the Division of Quality Assurance and Evaluation of University Performance, in cooperation with the Continuing Education Unit, organized a [Read More]


The Seventh Annual Scientific Conference of the College of Political Science: Education Against Extremism

Under the slogan “Towards a national education capable of combating extremism and dispelling its frameworks and roots to protect future generations and ensure their security and future,” the College of Political Science will hold its [Read More]


The Registration and Student Affairs Division at the College of Political Science continues its tasks of receiving first-stage students

The Registration and Student Affairs Division at the College of Political Science continues its tasks of receiving first-stage students in preliminary studies, in accordance with the controls and instructions, through the reception committees inside the [Read More]

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