22 May، 2013

First Student Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Law … Distinct step on the road to creativity – Faculty of Law

A student single most important elements of the educational process and improve the quality of his performance scientific is sought and seek the Faculty of Law permanently and continuously and through the employment of all the possibilities of human and financial resources available to achieve it, and this point has established the Faculty of Law conference scientific student first on Monday, 13 / May / 2013, has been the conference included sixteen research is distributed to four sessions have included each session, in addition to the Chairman and Rapporteur of the Commission arbitrarily of gentlemen faculty to assess the research that was thrown at the meeting, has concluded the conference session closing included many honors began honoring students of the Faculty of Law of Mr. Dean, Faculty of Law, Dr. Akram Mahmoud Hussein Bedouin big for his encouragement and parental support and sponsorship for college students, was honored as the top three students who got their research at the highest rate, and conference concluded with the decisions of the recommendations.





