22 May، 2013

Summary of the first activities of the cultural season of the Faculty of Law for the period from 13-14 / May / 2013

On the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the establishment of the Faculty of Law and the belief of the college that the factors of improving the quality of scientific performance, administrative and social for students and staff of تدريسيين and employees is through the established cross-cutting activities for all aspects (scientific, cultural, social) established a season first cultural, which has seen a variety of activities, according to the detail the following: -First day: Monday, 13/05/2013 establishing the first Student Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Law.Second day: Tuesday, 14/05/20131. Establish the effectiveness of a scientific forum for students of the Faculty of Law during which the establishment of a concert to Musli Heritage Ensemble.2. The opening of the charity market set up Tdriciat and female law school.3. Make the final of the football between panels Tdrisie branch of private and public law.- First Student Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Law:A student single most important elements of the educational process and improve the quality of his performance scientific is sought and seek the Faculty of Law permanently and continuously and through the employment of all the possibilities of human and financial resources available to achieve it, and this point has established the Faculty of Law conference scientific student first on Monday, 13 / May / 2013, has been The conference included sixteen research is distributed to four sessions have included each session, in addition to the Chairman and Rapporteur of the Commission arbitrarily of gentlemen faculty to assess the research that was thrown at the meeting, has concluded the conference session closing included many honors began honoring students of the Faculty of Law of Mr. Dean, Faculty of Law, Dr. Akram Mahmoud Hussein Bedouin big for his encouragement and parental support and sponsorship for college students, was honored as the top three students who got their research at the highest rate, and conference concluded with the decisions of the recommendations.- The effectiveness of Forum Law School StudentThe second day of the cultural season's first college first Faculty of Law do Forum student in the Faculty of Law, a special event to mark the passage of thirty of the founding of the Faculty of Law has permeated Hits a concert Heritage Ensemble conductivity which has to perform a set of aroused and downloads from Heritage Musli, At the end of Hits Karam Forum members, Mr. Dean, Faculty of Law creativity shield the forum for his large support in the establishment of this forum and support for the process to work.- The final of the football between the two teaching Law Branch of the private and public sectors.Having concluded the activities of the cultural season of the Faculty of Law in the second day of the establishment of a final football match between the two teaching branch of the public and private law, which resulted in the victory of team teaching your Law Branch has honored Mr. Dean Dr. Akram Mahmoud Hussein, the winning teams.- The opening of the market charity:Within the second day of the cultural season's first law school was opened by Mr. Dean of the Faculty of Law, Dr. Akram Mahmoud Hussein Bedouin market charity to sell sweets on Tuesday, 14 / May / 2013 and at the Hall of the Faculty Council, was prepared by this market Tdriciat male and female college and marked by good management and administration which saw a high turnout of visitors from inside and outside the college, has been allocated the proceeds of the market for students Almtafvin in the Faculty of Law.نور

