8 July، 2013

Scientific Symposium XII …. joint scientific activity between the three disciplines in the Faculty of Law

After the end of the proceedings of the symposium scientific twelfth Faculty of Law, which took place on Sunday, June 30, 2013 at the Hall Forum scientific and literary, the Faculty of Law is keen to hold this seminar because they are part of the scientific activities planned for the academic year 2013 did not solve the continuation of final exams at the time without session where continued the Preparatory Committee and the efforts of exceptional complete its work and configuration for each basic necessities the end of the day the symposium, which was chosen timing Sunday afternoon to allow the teachers to complete their duties in monitoring test scores and implementation of the exams that were going until that day, and featured in this symposium it was shared between branches scientific three in our college and came worksheets comprehensive various areas of legal protection of human rights, however seminar was carrying in this year's distinctive character to enter the branch of the Human Rights Act strongly in the activities of the college and the posts the most prominent of this branch in this symposium at the level of preparation and organization and worksheets.

