12 September، 2022

International Day to Protect Education from Attacks – College of law

In the interest of the Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Mosul and the members of its esteemed faculty council to spread the legal culture among the groups and segments of society, the Faculty of Law, represented by the Human Rights Law Branch, has been shedding light on the national and international days related to the life of the individual and society, and from these days the International Day for the Protection of Education from attacks, where the world celebrates on 9 September of each year the International Day for the Protection of Education from Attacks, and this occasion was celebrated for the first time in the year 2020 after this day was adopted as a global day to celebrate it by unanimous resolution of the United Nations General Assembly by Resolution No. 275 / 74, issued on May 29, 2020, according to a proposal submitted by the State of Qatar, based on a proposal from Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Education Above All Foundation, and 62 countries participated in it. By its importanceUrges states to alleviate the plight of students affected by the repercussions of armed conflicts.

In the majority of countries victims of armed conflicts, the use of schools as military barracks is resorted to, which deprives students of education in an adequate manner. In addition, many armed conflicts have witnessed systematic targeting of educational institutions, which prompted the Global Alliance to Protect Education from Attacks to devote its efforts to raise awareness of the systematic targeting of institutions Education, especially with this coincided with the outbreak of the Corona virus that doubled the state’s responsibilities after it had a clear impact on the closure of schools, which revealed the disruption of direct educational services in (184) countries, which established the need to make education during crises at the top of the global agenda. An approximate number recorded about (22) thousand violations amounting to killing among students and teachers of different educational levels around the world in more than 11 thousand attacks in 93 countries over the past five years.

On this occasion, the Deanship of the Faculty of Law and members of its esteemed faculty council calls to stress that schools, universities and university housing remain safe havens to promote peace and development, and their civilian nature should be recognized, protected and not targeted, especially since targeting them during armed conflicts is criminal under the rules of international humanitarian law, and in accordance with the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. This is in accordance with paragraph (9 of Article 8) as it is a war crime and the possibility of provoking this attack before the International Criminal Court.

International Days Activities Committee/

Human Rights Law Branch

college of Law/

University of Al Mosul .

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