6 June، 2023

Visit of the Assistant President of the University of Mosul for Scientific Affairs to our college ,,,

Assistant Professor Dr. Wissam Nemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Mosul, members of the Faculty Council, Chairman and members of the Examination Committee, received on Sunday, the fourth of June 2023, Prof. Dr. Munir Salem Taha, Assistant President of the University of Mosul for Scientific Affairs, who inspected the progress of the final exams for students of the preliminary study for the current academic year 2022_2023, where he visited the exam halls, accompanied by a number of deans of the faculties of the second complex, and this visit comes within the scientific and administrative communication of our college headed by the University of Mosul And its colleges and research centers, which are a scientific edifice of knowledge and conductivity that provides the community with specialized scientific cadres that contribute to community service and progress.

