22 July، 2013

Part of the activities of the Faculty of Law for the 2012-2013 academic year (Faculty of Law assess developmental session Twenty-ninth on the role of lawyer and human rights officer in the lawsuit)

Sponsored blessing from the presence of the President of the University of Mosul, and his presence and the presence of a number of gentlemen members of the university deans and the presence of a large number of gentlemen judges and lawyers opened the Faculty of Law and Fact course twenty-ninth day Sunday, 02.06.2013 and the Hall Forum scientific and literary, where he gave Mr. Dean's speech welcoming the honorable guests and stressed the keenness college to upgrade by the work of the lawyer and strengthen the role of the judiciary then gave the President of the Preparatory Committee speech on this occasion was followed by the start of scientific lectures and marked by a lecture delivered by Professor judge Amer al-Rubaie and the second lecture was to Professor Assistant Dr. Ammar Saadoun al-Hamid al-Mashhadani Chairman of the Special law Branch

