17 September، 2023

Speech by the Dean of the College of Law at the University of Mosul on the occasion of the start of the new academic year,,,

With the start of the new academic year 2023-2024 and the return of university life with the return of our dear students,,, and in a beautiful and distinctive view of a year filled with joy, happiness, perseverance and creativity,,, we congratulate the sponsor of our university home, Mr. President of the University, the respected Professor Dr. Qusay Kamal al-Din al-Ahmadi, and to the entire family of the University of Mosul for that glue. The shining name in the scientific scene, and we congratulate the family of the Faculty of Law with its teaching and administrative staff and its students. We congratulate everyone on returning to school and we always yearn for all of us to be at the level of scientific responsibility in order to improve the reality of scientific life in our dear Iraq. Happy academic year,,, a distinguished academic year for all our students, Let us work together for the quality of higher education and move forward in order to reach a lofty goal embodied in building our country and our society with science, knowledge and work. May you all be distinguished by your scientific giving and may you always be a flame that illuminates the path for generations. May God perpetuate your days with love, goodness, affection and peac

