6 March، 2014

Planting Trees – College of Education for Girls

Praise be to Almighty Allah, the most merciful and compassionate creator who created a tree just from a tiny small seed and made that tree a blessing for mankind. May peace be upon Muhammad, the seal of prophets, who taught us how to cultivate and get our daily food from trees. My prayers are also for his companions .Trees are Nature's wonders and a great gift to mankind as well as to all those who depend on them. Trees occupy an important, valuable and necessary place to our very existence. Trees are our best friends and without them life is not possible on the earth. Trees are the soothing music to our ears and the dancing fairies to our eyes.To imagine the importance of trees let’s try to breathe in some air. Assume that it cannot be done. What happens to us? Yes! we suffocate without air to breathe in. Although we can live without food for some days and water for some hours we cannot live without oxygen for a moment even. Without oxygen, human and the animal world will die away. Trees make the oxygen and spread it in the air. Due to the over use of machines in factories, and vehicles on the roads, the air surrounding us is polluted with poisonous gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and chlorofluorocarbons. One of the great functions each tree offers is the sequestering of carbon dioxide. Trees naturally remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during the state of photosynthesis and in turn releases the pertinent gas, Oxygen as a byproduct. In this natural function alone, trees directly reduce the growth of the Greenhouse Effect and counteract Global Warming. In addition, trees provide us with flowers, fruits and vegetables, fodder for animals, wood, paper and provide cool shadow from the scorching sun

