Vision, Message & Objectives


Achieving educational excellence and leadership to build a knowledgeable society that contributes in creating a knowledge society.Consequently , the college becomes the first house of experience at national and regional levels so to be among the top prestigious colleges of the world.

Massage Preparing professional females who can contribute a knowledgeable society capable of competing in order to upgrade the college programmes and its different units to establish an active and a literate society of high level of efficiency . as well as responding to the diverse needs of society in addition to the problems of the educational field and the challenges of comprehensive development .to provide initiatives for educational reform, and optimum use of knowledge and research and technology in the light of the values and needs of the community and in accordance with accreditation standards.

objectives1. Preparing and qulifying professional females who can communicate socially and have the ability to contribute in accoradnce with the society needs and academic accreditation standards.

2. Providing a research product of a distinct educational quality and quantity, that contributes in developing knowledge and promoting professional practices .In addition to support efferots for educational reform to meet the needs of the educational field and the challenges of development.
3. Developing the female students innovative capacity and training them to use the scientific way of thinking to face and treat all the problems whether they public and private.
4. Developing interaction with the community via joining training and condultation courses as well as research programmes in the framework of the strategic partnership with local and international institutions.
5. Working on developing an intrinsic sense of responsibility and on emphasizing on integrity as well as combating corruption at all levels and in all spheres of the nation's life.Female students shouls bear responsibility towards their families and communities, and be agood mother of future by reading .Actually, we are keen that her motto for life is always scientific excellence in addition to carry the sceitific message to access and achieve scientific positions.