8 February، 2021

The College of Education for Girls seeks to learn Nanoscience and its applications through the virtual second international scientific conference

Within the international scientific activities provided by the College of Education for Girls, under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Nabil Abdul-Kazim Saheb, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Qossay Kamalaldeen al-Ahmady, President of the University of Mosul, the Department of Chemistry at College of Education for Girls holds its the Second Virtual International Scientific Conference on Nanotechnology and its Applications under the slogan “We seek Nanoscience and its Applications for a Better Tomorrow”, on 10th and 11th February 2021, with international participation of professors from various Arab and Iraqi universities. The conference will tackle various fields of sciences. via the FCC app, and with the login ID: ahmedmuthafer

