Work Shops and Symposiums

Cooperation among colleges … The College of Education for Girls hosts a workshop for the College of Archeology.

The College of Education for Girls hosted the workshop entitled (The Reality of Cultural Heritage in Areas of Armed Conflict), which was conducted by the Faculty of Archeology under the auspices of the President of [Read More]


Participation in the electronic scientific symposium held by the Northern Technical University at the University of Mosul

The lecturer from the Department of Quranic Sciences and Islamic Education, Assistant Professor Dr. Azhar Yahya Qassem, participated in the electronic scientific symposium held by the Northern Technical University at the University of Mosul under [Read More]


College of Education for Girls participation in the scientific symposium Antibiotics (a double-edged sword)

Lecturer Yusra Ibrahim Khadr, a teaching staff member at the department of Biology participated in the 25th symposium at the college of Nursing under the title (Antibiotics: a double-edged sword) which was sponsored and attended [Read More]


Participation of the Rehabilitation, Employment and Follow-up Unit / College of Education for Girls in the workshop organized by Expertise France

On Monday, February 24, 2020 , in Erbil Kurdistan, Iraq , Asst. Professor Dr. Muhammad Wajid, Head of the Rehabilitation, Employment and Follow-up Unit participated in the workshop held by the French governmental organization Expertise [Read More]


Asst. Prof. Dr. Khaled Issam Khalil , in the symposium “Social leaders and their role in consolidating moderate thought”

Assistant Professor Dr. Khaled Essam Khalil participated, Department of Qur’an Sciences and Islamic Education, in the symposium held by the Peace Forum for Intellectual Development in cooperation with the Noon Center for Strategic and Branded [Read More]


“Sustainability” is a new workshop for students in cooperation with the German University of Tu Dortmund under the umbrella of the University of Mosul

A special workshop will be held for students of Mosul University. The distribution of certificates will be at the University of Duhok, for the period 4-9 April 2020, and the number of female students from [Read More]


A large participation of teaching staff of the College of Education for Girls in the conference “Education issues and challenges in light of knowledge and technology developments”

A number of teaching staff members of the College of Education for Girls participated in the second international conference held under the slogan "Education issues and challenges in light of knowledge and technology developments" in [Read More]


College of Education for Girls representatives attend the workshop of laboratory instrumentals standardized system coding

On January 28th ,2020 assistant professor, Dr. Mohammed Salem Sheat , the head of the college’s laboratories, and Dr. Firas Al-Khashab, Director of Quality Assurance and Accreditation attended the workshop (The Unified Laboratory Equipment Coding [Read More]


Dean of the College of Education for Girls attends the workshop on the First Amendment Law of the Unified Retirement Law

On January 27th, Prof. Dr. Dhumaiya Ali Abdullah, dean of the College of Education for Girls, attends the workshop discussing the law of the first amendment of the unified retirement law which was held under [Read More]

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