23 January، 2021

Revitalizing education among the generation suffering from the Covid-19 pandemic

Today 23rd Jan., we celebrate the “International Day of Education” with the whole world. This day, which began in 2019, was approved by the United Nations General Assembly with its resolution (25/73) on the third of December in the year 2018 as an International Day of Education to emphasize its essential role in building societies and achieving the sustainable development goals. This celebration of the “International Day of Education” comes from the desire of the Ministry of Higher Education and its institutions to emphasize the essential role of education in building individuals and societies, as well as its role in achieving sustainable development goals, and being a human right. Ensuring quality education for all is an enhancement of learning opportunities in our society. We achieve the renaissance and development of our Iraq, and break the cycle of poverty that will leave many children, youth and adults behind, education is able to change people’s lives and change the world as well.In light of the current conditions that our dear country, the great Iraq is going through these days, this year comes to be celebrated differently from the previous one due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which has disrupted the educational process in all parts of the world on an unprecedented scale and severity, as it caused the suspension and closure of schools and universities And other educational institutions, which negatively affected hundreds of thousands of students in our dear country, Iraq. Not only this, but also a reason for changing formal education, to transform education from direct formal education in classrooms to distance education or integrated education between formal education and distance education. Respected faculty members … Our dear students, with the beginning of the new year, and in light of the difficult circumstances that our dear country is going through from an economic crisis and a bleeding wound caused by terrorism, we will celebrate the third session of the International Day of Education today, Sunday 1/24/2021, under the title “Revitalizing and revitalizing education Of the generation suffering from the “Covid-19” pandemic. Dear honor, it is time to support education by advancing cooperation and solidarity together in order to place education and lifelong learning at the center of the recovery process at the heart of efforts to recover from the pandemic and to transform towards a more inclusive, safe and sustainable society This day comes as the culmination of your will to improve educational standards and eliminate ignorance. It affirms the importance of education in social and economic development, as well as improving the quality of education and protecting the rights of every male and female student

