9 March، 2024

The Medicinal College’s Chess Championship, The Female Category

Under the sponsorship of the College’s dean, Prof.  Dr. Basil Mohammednather Saeed, and with the presence of the Vice-Dean for Scientific Affairs, Assistant Prof. Dr. Humam Ghanim Zubeer, and the Administrative Vice-Dean, Dr. Karam Turath Tawfeeq, the student activities division at the College of Medicine held the Chess College Championship for the female students, on Thursday, February 29, 2024, the Championship competitions took place at the Scientific Department building in the College, in accordance to the solo system, 14 students from different academic levels participated in the tournament, the student Zahraa Jasim Ibrahim (from the fourth year) won first place. The student Zubaida Ayad Saeed (from the fourth year) got second place.Congratulations to the winners, and good luck to all of the participants.

