19 March، 2023

The College of Medicine Attends and Participates in the Third Scientific Conference of the Society of Otolaryngologists in Baghdad

The Society of Otolaryngologists in Baghdad held its third scientific conference, on Thursday, 3rd June 2021. The conference has a great local, regional and international participation, and the most important modern scientific developments in the fields of ENT surgery were discussed in it. The College of Medicine was present the conference activities where two members of teaching staff from the Department of Surgery, namely, Assistant Prof Dr Haitham A. Al Nouri, and Prof Dr Ali A. Muhammad, who participated through his lecture entitled “Stem Cells Based Treatment in Otolaryngology”.

The lecture discussed the use of stem cells in the treatment of ENT diseases.

It concluded that the use of this technique may have a role in the treatment of some diseases such as seventh nerve paralysis, vocal cord paralysis, and the treatment of deaf and mute people.

