College Library

About Mosul Medical College Library and Free Education

Library Objectives

The library of the College of Medicine of Mosul provides its services to the beneficiaries of (professors, graduate students and primary students), as it includes many paper and electronic sources, periodicals and medical theses, in addition to modern methodological books, as the library is the main and important tributary in completing the educational process, and creating the appropriate climate for students and professors during reading.

Library Staff 

  1. Assistant Lecturer / Liqa Khalil Othman – Library Manager.
  2. Head of Research / Mona Khaled Abd – Responsible for art, electronic and virtual library
  3. Manager / Zahraa Ali Abdullah – responsible for secondment work.

Library Working Hours:

The library is open for reading and borrowing on all days of the week from 8:15 to 2:00 pm.

Library Holdings:

1470 medical books (in various medical specialties)

100 theses

25 periodical titles

4000 modern textbooks of methodology.

In addition to many modern e-books.




The work system in the library of Mosul Medical College

  1. The library adopts special controls for lending.
  2. The library adopts the indexing and classification system of the US Library of Congress

NLM National Library Medicine is the only one that adopts an indexing system

  1. Periodic emphasis is placed on the need to benefit from the resources of the Iraqi Virtual Scientific Library, and all professors and graduate students have been involved.
  2. The library includes a reading hall for students with 20 chairs, in addition to providing 10 calculators that will be connected to the Internet for the purpose of facilitating access to medical resources



The latest developments of the library: 

The methodological books were distributed to the students of the Faculty of Medicine for the stages (second / third / fourth):

For students of the second stage. (Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy) .1

For students of the third stage. (Macleod’s clinical examination).2

( Browse’s surgical diseases ) .3

For students of the fourth stage (Davidson’s principles and practice of medicine)




Library Vision:

To be one of the academic tributaries in the field of information resources and support learning and scientific research resources and keep pace with global developments in various medical specialties, which raises the status of the college at the global level and contributes to its progress.

Library Mission:

The beneficiaries of the library should obtain the latest sources of knowledge in various medical specialties, whether these sources are paper or electronic, which supports the research and educational purposes of the college, and the provision of modern methodological books for students of preliminary studies, which raises the efficiency of the educational process at the university in the university.


Library Objectives:

  1. The library is the main and important tributary in completing the educational process.
  2. The library of the College of Medicine of Mosul provides its services to its beneficiaries (professors, graduate and primary students).
  3. It includes many paper and electronic sources, periodicals and medical theses, in addition to modern methodological books, which are distributed to college students.
  4. Creating an appropriate climate for professors and students during reading.
  5. Ensure access to information for all for self-development, education and culture.
  6. Facilitate access to sources or information.
  7. Encourage learning and research on scientific sources.

Books available in the library