Medical education unit

Medical Education UnitThe Medical Education Unit is a part of the Quality Assurance & Performance Assessment division. It was established on 03/02/2013. The unit concerns with implementation of international teaching standards in the college syllabus.The title of this unit when founded was “The Medical Education Development Unit”. However, in 2018, the “Development” element was removed and the title revised to “The Medical Education Unit”.Person in charge at present: Dr.Mays Wadullah Hadid (Lecturer at Department of Pathology).Unit heads since establishment to date:





Dr. Karam Turath Taweeq Agha


15th Sept. 2022-31st Jan. 2022


Dr. Mustafa Salah Fadhil


15th Oct. 2019 – 14th Sept. 2020


Dr. Zayed Qais Omar


4th March 2019-14thOct.2019


Dr. Imad Abdul-Jabbar Thanoon


3rd Feb. 2013-4th March 2019Unit’s MissionThe vision of the “Medical Education Unit” is being a pioneer in implementation of Modern Medical Education, where traditional and modern standards are combined, whilst professional performance and excellence is encouraged and maintained.This mission is achieved by the graduation of High-Standard Doctors, capable of providing outstanding Medical & Health care service to the community, and equipped with: Medical Knowledge, Clinical & Professional Skills, Medical Ethics with High Social Values being strictly observed at all times.This target is accomplished by creating a maintained high quality interactive environment, with a combined focus on Student, Teaching Staff and Educational Domain; utilizing special educational techniques that focus on individual’s innovation, creativity and mind stimulation by adhering to the following factors:

  1. Development of faculty members
  2. Development and support to the Medical Curriculum.
  3. Development of Medical Professional Skills
  4. Performance Monitoring and Evaluation.
  5. Development of the educational environment by using latest teaching methods to ensure knowledge delivery and enhancement of candidate’s.Unit’s Duties
    • Managing the process of developing medical education for all undergraduate study years, where the unit follows up all levels of curriculum and academic program construction, evaluates the impact on formulating the graduates in terms of scientific, skills, and behavioral aspects as well as obtaining feedback from all persons benefiting from the learning process for the purpose of monitoring and developing the curriculum and the academic program. Furthermore, the unit is taking part to provide advice in making appropriate decisions in line with the scientific development and society needs. This process is carried out through the following committees:
    • Curriculum Committee.
    • Academic Program Development Committee.
    • Examination Assessment Committee.
    • Measurement and validation Committee.
    • Technical and Electronic support committee.
    • Primary stakeholders
    • Secondary stakeholder
      • Preparing all college issues related to the medical education development like conferences, courses, workshops and seminars.
        • Follow up the theoretical and practical sessions delivery for all undergraduate courses.
          • Proceed to obtain national accreditation from the National Council of Medical colleges in Iraq, as well as international Medical colleges by WFME. Also, continue to achieve accreditation standards program through the function of the following committees:
          • The steering committee for accreditation of the Medical college/ Mosul University.
          • The main committee for writing self-assessment report.
          • Sub-committees of the accreditation guide list of the National Council for the Accreditation of Medical Colleges in Iraq and their related-committees.
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