
Meeting the Vice-Dean for Scientific Affairs with the Committee to Complete the Infrastructure Project to Develop Scientific Capabilities

The Vice-Dean for Scientific Affairs of the College of Medicine, Assistant Prof Dr Humam Gh. Ibrahim, chaired a meeting of the committee to supplement the infrastructure project for the development of scientific capabilities (medical field) [Read More]


The Accreditation Committee of the College of Medicine Holds Its First Meeting for the Academic Year 2021-2022

The Dean of the College of Medicine (Chairman of the Accreditation Committee), Prof Dr Basil Mohammednather Saeed, chaired the first meeting of the Accreditation Committee for the academic year 2021-2022, on Sunday 19th December 2021. [Read More]


The College of Medicine Provides Its Library with Dozens of Copies of  Atlas of Anatomy and Textbook of Systematic Surgery

With the follow-up and presence of the Dean of the College of Medicine, Prof Dr Basil Mohammednather Saeed, dozens of copies of some of the scheduled textbooks arrived in the college library in mid-December 2021. [Read More]



By the attendance of the Dean of the College of Medicine, Prof Dr Basil Mohammednathir Saeed, his scientific and administrative vices –dean, and the consultant doctor Rafie al-Qazaz, the Director of the Mosul Training Centre [Read More]



Third Curriculum Committee Meeting The Curriculum Committee continues its work through a new meeting chaired by Assistant Prof Dr Arwa Mahmoud F. today, Monday 12/18/2022.The meeting was attended by the co-ordinator of the committee and [Read More]



The Vice-Dean Dean of the College of Medicine, Assistant Prof Dr Humam Gh. Zubeer, inspected the exam halls on Monday morning 12/18/2022 through a tour in which he followed up the progress of the exam [Read More]


The Administrative Vice-Dean and the Director of the Accounts Office of the College of Medicine Attend a Meeting at the Presidency of University of Mosul

The administrative Vice-President of University of Mosul, Assistant Prof Dr Waheed M. Al-Ibrahimi, chaired a meeting attended by the administrative vices- dean of the colleges along with their account managers on Thursday, 16th December 2021. [Read More]


A Sustainable Follow-up to the Laboratories of the College of Medicine (under construction) on the Right Side

The College of Medicine continues its sustainable follow-up to the college laboratories (under construction) on the right side. On Tuesday, 14th December 2021, the college authorized visitor to the laboratory construction site (in charge of [Read More]


The Department of Radiology Holds the Second Student Seminar on Radiographic Diagnosis of Intestinal Obstruction

In the presence of the Administrative Vice-Dean of the College of Medicine, Assistance Prof Dr Hazim Kh. Al-Allaf, the Department of Radiology held a student seminar presented by the students of the fifth grade on [Read More]

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