
The Deanship of the College of Medicine Follows up the Progress of Two Equivalency Exams for the Attempt of December 2021 and the Second Round of the Sixth Stage for the Academic Year 2020-2021

The Dean of the College of Medicine, Prof Dr Basil Mohammednather Saeed, and the Scientific Vice-Dean, Assistant Prof Dr Humam Gh. Ibrahim, inspected the equivalency exams for the attempt of December 2021 and the second [Read More]


The Editorial Board of the Annals of the College of Medicine, Mosul Attends a Meeting in University Presidency

The Scientific Vice-President of University of Mosul, Prof Dr Munir S. Taha, chaired a meeting with the heads and editorial directors of university's scientific journals on Sunday 12th December 2021. The meeting was attended by [Read More]


The College of Medicine Attends the Central Celebration of the University on the Occasion of the Centenary of Founding the Iraqi Country and Victory Day

Under the patronage and presence of the President of University of Mosul, Prof Dr Qusay K. Al-Ahmadi, the university held its central celebration to mark the centenary of founding the Iraqi country in conjunction with [Read More]


The Division of Quality Assurance Holds its Virtual Training Course on Electronic Archiving of Evaluation Documents

The Performance Evaluation Unit, Quality Assurance and Performance Evaluation Division, College of Medicine, University of Mosul held its training course titled “How to Archive Documents of Evaluation Files Electronically” on Tuesday and Wednesday, 7th -8th [Read More]


The College of Medicine Qualifies for the Final Match of the Student University Table Tennis Championship

The College of Medicine qualified for the final match of the Student University Table Tennis Championship. In the quarter- and semi-final rounds, our player (medical student for the third stage) Mohamed Sohaib managed to achieve [Read More]


The Deanship of the College of Medicine Congratulates the Rapporteur of the Department of Anatomy on the Occasion of His Promotion to the Rank of Assistant Professor

The University of Mosul issued a university order for the scientific promotion of a number of university ’colleges professors on 29th November 2021. On the part of the College of Medicine, the rapporteur of the [Read More]


The Dean of the College of Medicine Attends a Memorial Ceremony for the Spirit of the Former Dean of the College of Sciences, Prof Dr Farouk San’alla Al-Omari

The Dean of the College of Medicine, Prof Dr Basil Mohammednather Saeed, attended a memorial ceremony held by the College of Science for the soul of its former Dean, Prof Dr Farouk S. Al-Omari, may [Read More]


Completing the Pouring Process of the Second Section of the Laboratory Building of the College of Medicine Building (Right Side)

The casting process of the second section of the laboratory building of the College of Medicine building, University of Mosul (right side) was completed on Wednesday, 24th November 2021. The project is supervised by the [Read More]


The Department of Medicine Resumes Holding Student Seminars of the Second Group for the Academic Year 2021-2022

The Department of Medicine resumed holding student seminars of the second group for the academic year 2021-2022. On Wednesday, 17th November 2021, the first seminar was held on "the methods of treating cases of drug [Read More]


Conducting the Intermediate Theoretical Exam for Students of the Iraqi and Arab Board of Otolaryngology (Mosul Training Centre)

In the presence of the Administrative Vice-Dean of the College of Medicine, Assistant Prof Dr Hazim Kh. Al-Allaf, the Director of the Mosul Centre for the Arab Board, the consultant Dr Rafee H. Al-Qazzaz, and [Read More]


The Director of the Scholarships and Cultural Relations Division Attends a Meeting in University’s Presidency on International Programs and Agreements

The Scientific Vice-President of University of Mosul, Prof Dr Munir S. Taha, chaired a meeting held by the Department of Missions and Cultural Relations, in the presence of the director of the department and directors [Read More]

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