
The student Alaa Maher Aziz Mahmoud got the first sequence to graduates of the College of Medicine for the 2012-2013 academic year

Thestudent Alaa Maher Aziz Mahmoud gotthe first sequence to graduates of the College of Medicine for the 2012-2013 academic year at the rate of 86.424 and a very good grade. Congratulations


A set of medical lectures of Dr. Hussein Mohamad Jomaa – Faculty of Medicine

Dear our students, the administration of the website has uploadedmedicallectures of Dr. Hussein Mohamed Jomaa which includeLipid ManagementAbnormal Liver function testsMaintaining Patients on anticoagulants: how to do itMalariaParacetamol overdoseParkinson's disease initial assessment and referralPrescribing antihypertensivePruritus: [Read More]


The Website Management in the Faculty of Medicine published a seminar entitled Prosthetic valve complications

The Website Management in the Faculty of Medicine published a seminar entitledProsthetic valve complicationsSupervised byDr . Arwa M. Fawzi AlsarrafPresented byFahad aliSargoonsamuelMuther bassamMuathe mazinfor more details visit the website belowProsthetic valve complications

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