College’s mission,values and learning outcomes

College mission, values and learning outputs:

College’s Mission

The vision of the College of Medicine is to be one of the leading medical colleges locally, regionally, and internationally by providing a high-quality medical and educational environment and an educational atmosphere that stimulates creativity, relying on competent faculty members to teach students, adopting a research program to produce and disseminate theoretical and applied knowledge and participating in promoting local and global health, and achieving this through:


1_ Strengthening the spirit of belonging and pride among faculty members, employees, students, and graduates.

2_ Preparing competent doctors with high professional ethics and posses the basic and clinical medical skills necessary to practice evidence-based medicine, ensuring quality performance according to international standards in various specialties and local and global health institutions.

3_ Developing communication and scientific research skills among medical college students.

4_ Excellence in research production and postgraduate studies program, updating it according to the local, regional, and global innovations, and harnessing it to serve the local community’s health and achieve sustainable development goals in sustainable global health.

5_ Documenting and consolidating local and international relations and providing services to the local community and health institutions to provide health for all.

6_ The College of Medicine relies on the traditional approach to teaching while adopting modern methods in medical education to ensure the fulfillment of knowledge, application, and skill at their highest levels and to continue lifelong learning.

7_ The College of Medicine strives to achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by advancing health, ensuring quality education, and promoting environmental sustainability for the benefit of local and global communities .

8_ The College of Medicine seeks to achieve its mission by developing and updating curricula and academic programs and the best investment of its available human and material resources and harnessing them to serve the educational process and support teaching hospitals, activate community service programs, and develop the environment through awareness campaigns, conferences, scientific seminars and continuing medical education and concluding cooperation agreements with multiple parties to raise the medical and research efficiency of doctors and faculty members

The college of Medicine relies on the traditional curriculum in teaching and the students will graduate after passing the theoretical and practical exam to prove their competencies.

The College of Medicine accomplishes its mission by developing and updating the curriculum and the academic program and investing its available human and material resources in the educational and training process. It supports the educational hospitals, promotes community service programs, and develops the environment through awareness campaigns, conferences, scientific seminars, continuous medical education and cooperation agreements with multiple entities to advance medical and research efficiency for the college’s affiliates.

College Values:

  1. Respect and appreciation:

Respect for opinions, ideas and value excellence and creativity to build institutional trust in nature and quality of services provided by the college to the college’s members, students and the community.

  1. The quality:

Apply the highest quality standards in all aspects of work to ensure outstanding outputs.

  1. The craftsmanship:

Creating a professional relationship between associates based on scientific and social ethics and principles.

  1. Affiliation:

Deepening the sense of institutional loyalty towards the college among all affiliates and students.

  1. Discipline:

Regularity in the performance of duties and the acquisition of rights.

  1. Teamwork:

Cooperation between all members of the College for the purpose of achieving and succeeding all the axes of the College’s mission.

  1. Integrity:

Transparency in all administrative and academic procedures.

  1. Accountability and accounting:

Recognition of responsibility and performance of functions and responsibilities in accordance with the accountability and accounting system.

  1. Scientific freedom:

Encouraging scientific and exploratory activities and opening the horizon of scientific cooperation with others.

Expected learning outputs from Medical College graduate:

  1. Knowledge and skill in basic and clinical medical sciences.
  2. Possess adequate skills for life-saving medical interventions in common and emergency conditions.
  3. The ability to work in hospitals and institutions after acquiring the technical skills that qualify him to do so.
  4. Having effective communication skills with members of society at all levels.
  5. Adherence to the principles of professional and moral responsibility in the practice of the medical profession.
  6. Motivation for lifelong learning.


Graduate Competencies

College of Medicine/ University of Mosul

Upon graduation from the CMUM, students are required to have demonstrated competence in four major domains. For each competency, a set of objectives are specified. These objectives define the expected progress throughout the CMUM toward achieving competence.

The CMUM curriculum committee (CC), the CMUM medical education unit (MEU) and the program evaluation committee (PEC) monitor the student achievement of the program competencies, the effectiveness of the instructional and assessment method and use these to guide curriculum development, suggest innovation, and evaluate the success of the program.

It is the responsibility of CC and its subcommittees to review the mapping of the core curriculum to the program competencies on an annual basis.

CMUM Graduate Competencies is divided into 4 major domains: Knowledge for practice (KP), Patient care (PC), Interprofessional and Communication Skills (ICS) and Professionalism and team working skills (PTW). Details of the general objectives for each domain are given below.

l. Knowledge for practice (KP): Demonstrate knowledge of the already established and continuously evolving biomedical and clinical sciences which enables them to work and pursue a future carrier in any branch of medicine. In addition, demonstrate an efficient application of this knowledge to patient care. CMUM graduates will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate and apply the knowledge related to anatomy, biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, immunology, microbiology, molecular biology, nutrition, pathology, pharmacology and physiology (KP1).
  2. Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and principles related to social and behavioural sciences (including psychology). This includes an assessment of the impact of psychosocial and cultural influences on health, disease, care-seeking, care compliance, and barriers to care delivery (KP2).
  3. Demonstrate and apply the knowledge related to population health, improvement of health and healthcare (KP3)
  4. Demonstrate and apply the knowledge related to different scientific methods and approaches to medical research (KP4).
  5. Demonstrate and apply the knowledge of a range of alternative and complementary therapies. The reason why some patients use them, and how these might affect other types of treatment that patients receive (KP5).
  6. Demonstrate and apply the knowledge related to the role that lifestyle, including diet and nutrition, can play in promoting health and preventing disease (KP6).
  7. Gain, assess, apply and integrate new knowledge that emerges throughout their professional life (KP7).


ll. Patient care (PC): Provide patient-centred care that is appropriate and effective for the treatment of health problems and the promotion of health. CMUM graduates will be able to:

  1. Gather, document, and effectively present essential and accurate information about patients and their conditions through history-taking, physical examination and an assessment of mental state (PC1).
  2. Interpret the findings from the history, the physical examination, and the mental-state examination to construct a preliminary differential diagnosis (PC2).
  3. Decide on a range of investigations required. Interpret and effectively apply laboratory data, imaging studies, and other tests to reach a final diagnosis (PC3).
  4. Formulate a plan for treatment, management and discharge according to best evidence in partnership with patients, their families and other health professionals with consideration to patient concerns and preferences (PC4).
  5. Perform certain essential medical, diagnostic, and surgical procedures (PC5)
  6. Prescribe Medicines with efficacy, safety and cost-effectiveness. Pay attention to special situations such as pregnancy, lactation and childhood. (PC6).
  7. Provide immediate care in all medical emergencies. This includes recognizing the need for immediate care, diagnosing and managing acute medical emergencies, providing immediate life support and providing effective CPR (PC8).
  8. Identify signs and symptoms of abuse or neglect and be able to safeguard children, young people, adults and older people, using appropriate systems for sharing information, recording and raising concerns, obtaining advice, making referrals and taking action (PC8).
  9. Counsel and educate patients and their families to encourage them to participate in their care and enable shared decision-making (PC9).

lll. Interprofessional and Communication Skills (ICS): Demonstrate interprofessional and communication skills that result in the effective exchange of information and collaboration with patients, their families and other health professionals. CMUM graduates will be able to:

  1. Communicate clearly and effectively with patients and their relatives, colleagues from a variety of health and social care professions and at a community level with respect to the issues related to medical practice (ICS1).
  2. Demonstrate sensitivity, honesty, and compassion in difficult conversations, including dealing with a violent patient or relative, end-of-life situations, adverse events, breaking bad news, disclosure of errors and other sensitive topics such as alcohol and drug abuse (ICS2)
  3. Identify and overcome possible barriers to effective communication such as mental illness (ICS3).
  4. Recognize and respect the request for a second opinion and escalate concerns to senior colleagues where appropriate (ICS4).
  5. Keep records up-to-date, legible and relevant to the safe progress of the patient (ICS6).
  6. Hand-over care in a precise, timely and effective manner (ICS6).


IV. Professionalism and team working skills (PTW): Demonstrate a commitment to professional behaviour and team working rules. CMUM graduates will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate compassion, integrity, and respect for others regardless of their lifestyle, culture, beliefs, race, colour, gender, sexuality, disability, age, or social or economic status (PTW1).
  2. Demonstrate respect for patient privacy and confidentiality. Respects the right of patients to refuse to participate as a patient for teaching or research purposes (PTW2).
  3. Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles during the medical practice such as Beneficence, Non-maleficence, Autonomy and Justice (PTW3).
  4. demonstrate effective team-working and leadership skills (PTW4).
  5. Identify their own learning needs and demonstrate commitment to life-long learning (PTW5).
  6. Demonstrate knowledge of the principles of the legal framework in which medicine is practiced in the jurisdiction in which they are practicing, and have awareness of where further information on relevant legislation can be found (PTW6).