
The College of Pharmacy conducts a competitive exam and interviews for students applying to postgraduate studies for the academic year 2022-2023”

“The College of Pharmacy conducts a competitive exam and interviews for students applying to postgraduate studies for the academic year 2022-2023”On Thursday, May 19, 2022, the College of Pharmacy held a competitive examination for students [Read More]


A Master-degree Thesis about evaluation and pharmaco-dynamic characteristics  of minoxidil topical emulgel discussed at the College of Pharmacy

Under the patronage of the dean of the College of Pharmacy, the Associated Prof. Dr. Zena A. Al-Thanoon, a Viva voce for the Thesis submitted by the postgraduate student, Ala'a R. Al-Taei was run on [Read More]


Master Degree Viva

The Viva voce for the Master degree Thesis entitled "Synthesis of new 7-functionalized coumarins with anticipated biological activity" were run in the discussion room of the College of Pharmacy. The thesis submitted by Noora Thamer [Read More]


Iraqi Army Day

The College of Pharmacy represented by the Dean of the College, the Asst. Prof. Zena Abdulmoneim abdulmajeed expresses the most sincere congratulations to the Iraqi people and the Iraqi Military Forces on the occasion of [Read More]

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