Vision, mission and goals
Vision، Mission and goals
Raising the reality of the educational process in a way that guarantees the college a distinguished position among the colleges of pharmacy locally and globally.
Preparing all the necessary requirements for pharmaceutical education, providing the requirements of sober scientific research, adopting advanced administrative and technical systems, and taking care of everything that would prepare qualified graduates with high efficiency and great knowledge in all aspects of pharmaceutical work in its various fields.
1. Achieving what the college aspires to in terms of sobriety, developing the subjects of primary and higher studies, and keeping pace with the rapid development that is taking place in the world.
2. Participating in publishing research in international and local journals, and contributing to scientific and cultural publication and publication in the medical and pharmaceutical fields.
3. Spreading health awareness in the community through continuing education courses, applying workshops and methods of dealing with scientific websites on the Internet in order to reach the optimal use of medicine and medicinal plants and drugs to serve the community.
4. Encouraging students who have creative abilities in literary, artistic, scientific and sports fields and developing these abilities in proportion to the students’ leisure time.
5. Involving the students in scientific seminars and conferences held by the college, and establishing and developing outstanding scientific activities for students.