2 May، 2023

Scientific Visit by Students of the College of Political Science to the Central Library at the University

A group of students from the College of Political Science at the University of Mosul visited the Central Library at the university, representing various academic levels. The purpose of the visit was to explore the modern scientific resources available in the university library on Tuesday, May 2, 2023.

Accompanied by faculty members from the Department of Public Policy, including:

  • Dr. Saadi Mahdi
  • Shaima Nathim Hamoudi
  • Zaid Rafi Sultan

During the visit, the students had the opportunity to learn about the various sources and types of books owned by the university. They also gained insights into the borrowing process and took a tour inside the library. The students received an informative explanation about the library, its components, sections, search methods, and borrowing procedures.

Additionally, the students explored the section dedicated to scientific theses and research covering various fields of study.

Website Address of the College of Political Science:

Twitter page of the College of Political Science:

YouTube channel of the College of Political Science:


