8 September، 2022

Master’s thesis in the College of Political Science discusses “Education and Peacebuilding in Multiple Societies”

The College of Political Science at the University of Mosul discussed a master’s thesis on “Education and Peacebuilding in Multiple Societies: Iraq as a Model”, on Thursday, September 8, 2022, in the discussion room at the College of Fine Arts. A part of it was attended by Assistant Professor Dr. Tariq Mohammad Tayeb Dhahir Dean of the College of Political Sciences, and a number of faculty members.The letter presented by the student Ahmed Fares Ibrahim Wasfi sheds light on the need to achieve the self-realization of individuals and groups, by addressing all the factors of concern that they face within their pluralistic society. To achieve this requires the realization of a society that is aware of the importance of peaceful coexistence, and that confronts its many crises, especially the crisis of integration and the absence of a comprehensive national identity, and the creation of a citizen society in which everyone is equal in rights and duties regardless of their nationality, religion or sect, and the need to ensure social justice for all, and to crystallize an awareness of the importance of implementation The true democracy that guarantees all of the aforementioned foundations that multiple societies need to build peace.The study aims to draw attention to education as an effective tool for peacebuilding. Education represents the most effective tool for building peace and raising conscious and qualified generations, showing psychological and cognitive readiness for the importance of peaceful coexistence, political participation, recognition of the other, and prioritizing the public interest over the private, as well as not being drawn behind the political use of pluralism and societal difference.The discussion committee was chaired by Prof. Dr. Walid Salem Muhammad, with the membership of Prof. Ahmed Ghalib Mohi, Assistant Professor Dr. Ziyad Samir Zaki, and under the supervision and membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Saadi Ibrahim Hussein Saleh.

