
Dr. Tariq Mohamed Tayeb Thaher Dean of the College of Political Science present a celebration on the occasion of the Great Victory Day

In the presence of Prof. Dr. Munir Salem Taha, Assistant President of the University of Mosul for Scientific Affairs, and a number of representatives of the valiant Iraqi forces from the Iraqi army, the Popular [Read More]


The Registration and Student Affairs Division at the College of Political Science continues its tasks of receiving first-stage students

The Registration and Student Affairs Division at the College of Political Science continues its tasks of receiving first-stage students in preliminary studies, in accordance with the controls and instructions, through the reception committees inside the [Read More]


The Deanship of the Faculty of Political Science received the representative of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

The Deanship of the Faculty of Political Science received the representative of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Professor Ziad Hikmat Tubia, on Tuesday, 7/12/2021. During his visit, he was briefed on the [Read More]


Dr. Hazem Hamad Musa participation in the scientific research competition held by the Al-Alamein Institute for Graduate Studies

Assistant Professor Dr. Hazem Hamad Musa participated in the scientific research competition held by the Al-Alamein Institute for Graduate Studies / Najaf, entitled “Sovereignty and the National Iraqi Interest,” in which a large number of [Read More]


Dr. Hazem Hamad Hamad Musa participation in the International Conference on Legal Issues for Communication

Assistant Professor Dr. Hazem Hamad Hamad Musa participated in the International Conference on Legal Issues for Communication / Tishk University / held in Erbil, corresponding to 25/11/2021 In a joint research with the researcher: Abdul [Read More]


Within the 16 days awareness guidance on the dangers of violence against women activities of the Faculty of Political Science in the cultural group area

A new day of the 16 days in which the activities and activities of the Faculty of Political Science in the cultural group area, will be renewed with the participation of the faculty professors and [Read More]


One of the International Relations Department’s lecturer, Assistant Professor participated as a member in discussion committee of the doctoral dissertation at the Al-Alamein Institute for Post-graduate Studies

One of the International Relations Department's lecturer, Assistant Professor (Dr. Marwan Salem Ali) participated as a member in discussion committee of the doctoral dissertation titled: (Chinese Strategy towards Middle East: The Belt and Road Initiative [Read More]


A special meeting was held in the presence of Dr. Tariq Mohammed Tayeb Thahir Dean of the Faculty of Political Science

According to the minutes of the meeting of the Higher Education Fund, a special meeting was held in the presence of Dr. Tariq Mohammed Tayeb Thahir, Dean of the Faculty of Political Science, Associate Dean [Read More]


Dr. Tarek Mohammed Tayeb Al-Kassar, Dean of the Faculty of Political Science, received the preparatory committees of the Faculty of Law

Dr. Tarek Mohammed Tayeb Al-Kassar, Dean of the Faculty of Political Science, received the preparatory committees of the Faculty of Law, to coordinate the procedures and preparations related to the joint seminar between the Faculty [Read More]


A new book entitled (Mechanisms for activating international economic relations in post-conflict countries: selected models)

A book by the assistant teacher Basma Muhammad Nazeer Ahmed, entitled (Mechanisms for activating international economic relations in post-conflict countries: selected models), was recently published by Noor Publishing in Lativia, one of the European Union [Read More]


College of Political Science participated in the course titled “Art of Etiquette Reception of Senior Guests and Ceremony of Honor”

A number of our college staff participated in the course, which was held by the Office of the Scientific Assistant, in cooperation with the Department of Media and Public Relations, under the title "Art of [Read More]

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