13 January، 2020

A Ph.D. candidate in Statistic and informatic science is getting ready to defending her thesis

Zainab Tawfeeq Hamid, a Ph.D candidate in Statistic and informatic science, will be defending her thesis ” Robust Penalized Methods in Estimation Linear Model Coefficient and Variable Selection” on Wednesday FEB. 18, 2020. The event is open to the public and will take place at the main building of College of Computer Science and Mathematics. Knowing that the dissertation is written in Arabic and the dissertation committee consist of:Dr. – Professor Abdalrahem Khalaf Rahe – Committee Chair.Dr. – Professor Safaa Younis Safawi – Committee member.Dr. – Professor Taha Hussen Ali- Committee member.Dr. Heam Abd al majed – Assistant Professor – Committee member.Dr. Bashar Abd al majed – Assistant Professor – Committee member.Dr. Professor Zakarea Yehea Al Jamal – Committee member and Supervisor.

