17 March، 2021

(BIG DATA: State-of-the-art on Processing and Analysis)

Sponsored by the University of Mosul Rector Prof. Dr. Kossay Kamaladdin Alahmedy … and under the supervision of college Dean Prof. Dr. Mrs. Dhuha Basheer Abdullah AlbazazThe College of Computer Science and Mathematics held the second scientific symposium on Wednesday, 17-3-2021 joint between the departments of computer science, statistics and informatics Entitled:(BIG DATA: State-of-the-art on Processing and Analysis)In the Science Forum hall at Mosul University, attended by the University’s Scientific Assistant Prof. Dr. Munir Taha Al-Badrani. The symposium aimed to highlight this important topic, trying to answer all the important questions from the definition of the term big data through its characteristics, applications, platforms and tools used in its analysis. In addition, the most important statistical methods associated with the process of data analysis, as well as how big data has contributed to the development of other fields such as artificial intelligence and other fields. The symposium was attended by a number of Deans of Mosul University colleges and distinguished figures of attendees.

