10 April، 2022

The Second Student Plastic Art Exhibition

The Vice-President of University for Scientific Affairs, Prof Dr Mounir S. Taha, inaugurated on the morning of Tuesday, 5th April the second student plastic art exhibition held by the College of Medicine in the Hall and Museum of Fine Arts in the Student Centre, which was organized under the supervision of the Dean of the College, Prof Dr Basil Mohammednather Saeed. The exhibition included wonderful artistic paintings of drawing, photography and various plastic works. In it, the professors and students of the College of Medicine expressed their creative abilities and roomy imagination. The exhibition was attended by the Vice- Dean for Scientific Affairs, Assistant Prof Dr Humam Gh. Ibrahim, the Vice- Dean for Administrative Affairs, the Assistant Lecturer Dr Karam T. Tawfeeq, and a group of professors and students of the College of Medicine and the rest of the colleges. Finally, the certificates of appreciation were distributed to professors and students who were participating in the exhibition.

