19 February، 2022

Conducting the Assessment Exam for the Students of Iraqi and Arab Board of Urology in the Female Urinary Tract

The assessment exam for students of the Iraqi and Arab scientific councils in urology for the third and fourth grades was held at the College of Medicine on Wednesday, 2nd February 2022. The exam that twelve students took dealt with the subject of female urology. It took place at Al-Salam Teaching Hospital under the supervision of the Official of the Iraqi Board of Urology (Mosul Centre) Assistant Prof Dr Zaid S. Khader and under the supervision and presence of the Official of the Arab Board of Urology (Mosul Centre), the consultant doctor Dr Yasser T. Al-Watar. The exam was also attended by the supervisor of the Iraqi Board, Assistant Prof Dr Numan H. Saeed. Wish our dear student’s good luck.

