23 January، 2021

Master’s Thesis Discusses the Prevalence and Reasons of Caesarean Section in the City of Mosul

A master’s thesis for the Department of Family and Community Medicine discussed the prevalence and indications for Caesarean section in the city of Mosul: The cross-section study, presented by the student Nour N. Fadel on Sunday 17th January 2021. The study discussed the prevalence of Caesarean section in the city of Mosul and the most important reasons for its spread. The study concluded (by conducting research on hospitals in the city of Mosul) that the rate of caesarean deliveries for normal births in the city of Mosul in general is 18.2% which is higher than the rate determined by the World Health Organization which is 15%. The study also recommended trying to maintain the percentage of caesarean section within the limits set by the World Health Organization while increasing health awareness and providing the necessary services to follow up the pregnant woman at the time of birth Such as the provision of a fetal pulse meter during childbirth in hospitals. The discussion committee consisted of Assistant Prof Dr Walid Gh. Ahmed (Chairman), Assistant Prof Dr Humam Gh. Ibrahim (Member), Assistant Prof Dr Wafaa M. Jassim (Member), Assistant Prof Dr Omaima A. Ibrahim (Member and Supervisor), and Assistant Prof Dr Raeda M. Al-Wazzan (member and co-supervisor). After the discussion, the committee’s decision was read included accepting the thesis with the necessary amendments, and granting the student a master’s degree.

