18 May، 2023

Physiology conducted the final practical exam

Today, Sunday 14/5/2023, the Department of Medical Physiology conducted the final practical exam for students of the second stage in the subject of medical physiology, in the presence, supervision and participation of the Head of the Department of Medical Physiology, Assistant Prof Dr Afra’ M. Al-Amin, the coordinator and teaching staff of the department, and a number of external examiners conforming to the quality standards where participants in the exam were Dr Alia F. Al-Omari, Dr Manar George and Dr Hana’ Abdel Qader from the Department of Medical / Nineveh College of Medicine.

The exam included multiple stations to assess the student’s understanding and comprehension of part of the exam, then the student passed the committees through which the student’s skills and mastery of the experiments were tested and applied for the purpose of benefiting from them in the next academic stages.


